Army Public School (APS) Gopalpur located at Gopalpur Military Station, Odisha was established under the aegis of Army Welfare Education Society in year 1997 to fulfil the educational needs of the children of Army personnel both serving and retired. The school also admit children of defence civilians and few local civilians. Starting with 208 children and 07 teachers in Primary classes, Army School Gopalpur came into to being on 01 March 1997. The School started off in the Mechanical Transport (MT) Sheds of Military Hospital (MH) Gopalpur. It was running under the local management of then Air Defence Guided Missile (ADGM) School which is now renamed as Army Air Defence College (Army AD College) Gopalpur. The School shifted to the new permanent building in December 2007.

Middle Section (VI to VIII) got affiliation from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on 01 April 1999 and Secondary Section (IX to X) on 01 April 2002. First batch of students of class X passed out in May 2004.

Senior Secondary (Science stream) was introduced in academic year 2010-11 and Commerce and Humanities streams in April 2012 & 2014 respectively. School received regular Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) affiliation on 15 September 2014.

On 01 July 2023, the Gopalpur Army Pre-primary School (GAPPS) was merged with Army Public School (APS) Gopalpur. Today the School runs classes from Bal Vatica-I to Class XII with over 1600 students on roll.

Over the years the school has grown leaps and bounds with world-class infrastructure and excellent results. The School complies with provisions of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.